Friday 22 July 2011

The black, the white and the grey...

You get those people in life that see everything as it is. Everything is in ‘black or white’. When I lived in America last summer, I always remember people using the popular phrase “it is what it is”. You either have something or you don’t. I think that the things people don’t have can really get them down. These are the ‘black or white’ thinkers.

Then you have those that see the hidden depths. When they look at a problem they can see the ‘grey’ areas. The ‘grey’ people are those that really understand the situation and can also see the overall picture. They also know that guts and intuition count for something.

I appreciate how much a ‘common sense’ approach in life can be valuable. Decisions based on logic and reality get people places. However, how boring would life be without the ‘grey’ people? They might live on the adrenaline of hopes and dreams but at least they actually live. Yes, the ‘black or white’ people might have made a series of decisions in life based on logic but I sometimes feel as if they think they can’t make a mistake. It’s ok to slip up. The ‘black or white’ people have to remember that the ‘grey’ people are there to help pick up the pieces if something does go wrong. The ‘grey’ people understand that there may be feelings of disappointment, anger or embarrassment. They can empathise with you because the ‘grey’ people know that life doesn’t always go according to plan. People hit bumps in the road.

The biggest life lesson for me is that no matter how bad things get, you have to keep going. There will be light at the end of the tunnel. Life’s challenges can only make you stronger. It’s OK to be upset about something but it isn’t the end of the world. When you come face to face with a problem in life, you go through the dark emotions but ultimately you need to remember that you have the ability to be happy and you deserve to be. Everything happens for a reason. The only way to cope is to hold on to the good things that life can offer. Don’t let negativity weigh you down. Life is too short to sit and dwell on all your problems. Life is out there and it is passing you by and before you know it it’s gone.

At graduation I went on stage and shook hands with one of the academics. He kept me up there longer than most because he wanted to say something to me. He said “Cherish this moment. This moment right now because you’ll never get it back”. I know exactly what he meant by that now. Make the most out of everything. Life is too short to feel sorry for yourself or dwell on minor problems. You only get one chance at this so laugh with your friends, go out for dinner, go for a walk, travel the world. Whatever it is that makes you happy, do it. If you feel low then go do one thing that you get enjoyment out of.

Put your life into perspective. There are people in the world who have probably had a lot worse happen to them. What’s the point in dwelling over what you don’t have? Count your blessings.  

Whether you’re a ‘black or white’ person or a ‘grey’ person, you have the ability to create your own happiness.  

1 comment:

  1. I guess this is implicitly suggesting you are a grey person lol.
